Tuesday 13 April 2010

Family weekend Loch Lomond area

Eldest daughter Shirley and family, Paul , James and Mathew were on a flying visit from Australia so we planned a complete family get together over Loch Lomond area. We booked up three log cabins on the "bonny banks" all next to each other for a good social long weekend. The weather was fantastic for the time of year and we had temperatures of 20 degrees.
Lots of beer and wine flowed and it is safe to say a good time was had by all. We had the old dog Midge along and he just lay in the sun on the veranda

The sunsets were fantastic and sent an orange glow over the water and hills. It was not all just sitting around and a few good walks were taken up the hills and a little geocaching took place. Scott went his usual running up the trails and took some great photographs while up the hills. I have posted a series of photographs on flicker which are available to look at but will add a few more on the blog as they say a picture paints a thousand words. (well I say )

Sunday 4 April 2010

Easter day out

Scott and I had arranged to have a day / night out in one of our favourite places ie the Trossachs.
Had booked a B&B for saturday at our final stopping place which as usual for us was Killin by Loch tay.
The idea for the day was quite simple we would drive to callander and Scott would have a "training " run to Killin using part of the route 7 cycle path. I would drive ahead and supply the odd water bottle as required but the points we could meet up were not too many over the 22 mile + route. We have done this before  with me on a bike and Scott running but this time I took the easy option as the only way I could stay in contact was in the car as he leaves me for dead even if I am on the bike.
The weather turned out to be good for the "run" so we set off from home to Callander our starting point at which time Scott headed off up the old railway line which is a great cycling / running / walking track.
 I did manage to get ahead at a few parts of the route and took a few photo's of Scott enjoying himself on the track.
The track went one side of Loch Lubnaig and I had to stay on the A84 up to Strathyre. The snow level was a lot higher than the previous days so the path was fine for the run. I went ahead to strathyre and had a walk round while waiting for Scott to turn up but the way he was moving I knew it would not be long and I could see he was enjoying a good run. We had planned a break at Balquhidder at the "old library" coffee shop so we met up as agreed for a nice coffee before Scott headed off for the last half of the run. I only met up with Scott once more after that break as the track was only available to me at one crossing point so I took a few more photo's before heading off to Killin for our final meeting place which was the old pub at the Falls of Docart.
I had gone ahead to the B&B parked the car headed back with dry clothes for Scott at the falls pub. Scott managed to get a prime seat by the log fire so we had a good few hours enjoying the hospitality on offer  after more wine and food and a walk round to find some live music we ended up very late at the B&B for the night.